Two top tourist places in the world

A Forest Movie – Arrayanes Forest

arrayanes BarilocheThe Arrayanes forest is located on the peninsula of Lake Nahuel Huapi Quetrihue. It consists of myrtle trees that are green leaves and small, and smooth trunk, tan. When the crust shows clear and reddish staining. To touch these trees are cold. Being in the woods is particularly light, is stained a golden or brownish color just, this feature can be appreciated more when trying to take pictures that looking directly.

In this forest there are some trees that have between 500 and 650 years of age.

It is said that this was the place inspired Walt Disney to film ‘Bambi’. There’s a cabin in the woods on which account (always within the hypothesis that Disney was in the region), once the home of Walt Disney for a while.

Quetrihue Peninsula is included in the National Park Arrayanes, which was created in 1974 to protect this forest particularly. Until a few decades ago could travel freely through the trees but it was deteriorating life of the trees, because the myrtles grow, during the first ten years of life, just one centimeter per year, making them very fragile for traffic constant. So they created walkways and interpretive signs, to go and see the forest without hurting.

After touring this dream forest, unique in the world. He sailed to Puerto Anchorena on Victoria Island, where he made ​​a visit to the nursery conifers and other species, natural viewpoints and different paths that can appreciate the magnificent beauty of this place. After the guided tour we start the return to Puerto scarf.

Iguazu falls

iguazu fallsIguazu Falls, are certainly the most beautiful in the world to be located within a framework of subtropical vegetation, forming part of the Iguazu National Park. This majestic freak of nature, become a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, is made up of 275 jumps up to 70 meters high spread over crescent, which offer a fascinating spectacle. This natural setting, where they are still vestiges of old Jesuit missions, is presented to the visitor as one of the most wonderful experiences, where all the senses and emotions.

The high temperatures and humidity of the atmosphere make this area into a huge greenhouse that meet the essential conditions to house more than 400 species of birds, nearly 2,000 species of plants, among which is a great diversity of orchids, ferns and the typical rosewood and many insects which highlights the huge and colorful butterflies, this park makes it one of the richest biomes on the planet. Among the fauna include several endangered species such as the jaguar, monkeys, alligators, snakes, tapirs and friendly coatis who approach tourists looking for some fruit.

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