Required Documentation to Travel to El Calafate Patagonia Argentina
Visitors to this region from Argentina should only carry the document with which they move normally. So for foreign people passport will be required. This rule also applies to those wishing to make trips to Chile. Visitors from neighboring countries must have your passport up to date. The visa requirements (if any) are available at their respective embassies. For any questions or clear up any doubt as to the region of Glacier National Park, either in person, by telephone or e-mail, Travel Agency offers major information in its representative office in El Calafate, Ushuaia and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires.
More Travel information to visit Calafate Patagonia Argentina.
Clothing. What to pack to travel Calafate. What type of clothes should take to El Calafate
For outdoor activities it is essential to wear warm clothing (preferably polar), jogging, waterproof jacket and cap. In the vicinity of glaciers or in the heights do not forget to also bring a windbreaker anorak. El Calafate and El Chalten have washing facilities. As for footwear, it is ideal to have comfortable shoes for traveling and stay in our accommodation and hiking shoes, preferably waterproof, for walks.
Where to buy clothing in El Calafate
Since the days of summer are long-lighted until 22:30 pm .- and exposure to the sun is very strong a cap or hat is very useful. Do not forget to bring sunscreen with UV factor 30 or higher ( It is also strongly recommended the use of lenses with UV filter, especially in front of glaciers). At low temperatures the batteries are consumed quickly, so you should always have at least one extra set of them. Another point to note: In this region there are not many insects (especially on high), anyway it is advisable to use a repellent.
Remember contact us if you are interested in to visit El Calafate.
Ushuaia and Calafate Tours
Currency use in Calafate, Patagonia Argentina.
Remember that the official currency of Argentina is the Peso Argentino. if you plan to change money, make withdrawals from A.T.M note that you can do it in El Calafate. It is common for residents and businesses of this region to receive foreign tourists, so it is not usually a problem paying with U.S. Dollars. Many shops also accept traveler’s checks.
About the tourist season in El Calafate, Patagonia Argentina
Accommodation bookings and other services:
Overall, the season starts in October and ends in April, although the high season is in January and February. From the second half of December and throughout the season, it is essential to make advance reservations for accommodation and other tourist services. It is more than advisable to make reservations at least two months in advance to get the desired accommodation. Otherwise, you may not get the amenities that best suit your requirements.
Because Glacier National Park was declared “World Heritage” by UNESCO in 1981 his fame attracts visitors from all over the world, the advantage will be able to share the accommodation and tours to travelers from different cultures and the disadvantage will be the great demand for accommodation and tours. Travel Agency offers a complete list of accommodations that includes photos, description, services, prices, locations, etc..
Accommodation in El Calafate Tourist Ranches
Accommodation in Estancias Patagonicas is a growing form of tourism, therefore, it is also appropriate to announce arrival in advance if you plan to stay in one of these establishments. There are accommodation options including one or two nights, tours and lunch. If your intention is only to spend the day at any of them, reserve requirements are naturally lower.
Travel to El Calafate
Weather in Calafate Patagonia Argentina:
The high season coincides with summer. The vastness of the region of glaciers has variations in climate. It will be much wetter the more we approach the mountains and the Continental Ice Field and cooler the more we rise above sea level .As the rains, they decrease in a West-East. A noteworthy aspect is the duration of the day, the longest day of the year (December 21) fulfill the 17 hours of sunlight. To get a better idea of the climate in your visit, we detail the climatic differences between the two tourist resorts:
– El Calafate is located 200 meters above sea level (masl) on the shores of Lake Argentino. In the summer the weather is dry, sunny, cool and windy, the average temperature is 20 ° C but can reach 30 º C maximum and a minimum of 10 ° C, the winds are moderate but can reach gusts of 120 km per time.
– El Chalten is located in the Andes Mountain Range to 430 meters with prevailing winds NOR direction throughout the year. In the summer the weather is cool, windy and very variable, the average temperature is 18 ° C but can reach 30 º C maximum and a minimum of 5 º C, the winds are frequent and sometimes can reach gusts of more than 150 km . per hour.
Maps and references in Calafate Patagonia Argentina

Mapa Calafate Calafate Map
How to get to El Calafate Patagonia Argentina
Going by Car to Calafate Patagonia Argentina
This trip may be one of the longest to do on board your car, than to give an example, runs from Buenos Aires, more than 5000 km roundtrip. We give some useful tips for travel in the Patagonia:
– You will pass through large areas depopulated, so it is ideal accompanied by another support vehicle and have a full box of tools, parts and two tires for help.
– Mainly on National Highway No. 3, find gas stations, always seize the opportunity to refuel, covers and check tire pressure, oil level, etc..
– Slow down on curves or paths that do not allow us to see the picture clearly. Do not rely on these routes are not very busy, think that someone in an oncoming vehicle might be thinking the same thing as you.
– The gravel surface is a difficult if not experienced, but in appearance they look stable. The speed on these roads should not exceed 60 km / h. When approaching an oncoming vehicle slow down to minimize the impact of stones. While rainfall is scarce in high season, know that they become particularly dangerous clay soil.
– During the winter the frost and ice forced to move with great caution: it is essential to carry chains in case of snow on the road.
– If you own a radio frequency (all units have a public transport) take note of the Civil Defense frequency: HF 3857.5 USB – USB or VHF 6970 149,335
Going to Calafate by Plane: Travel agency guaranteed the best airfare of the market to travel to Calafate due to agreement with Lan Chile and Aerolineas Argentinas which are the main airlines that arrives in Calafate. offers the official airfare from the airlines to guarantee the best price without adding commission or booking fees. Besides an expert group of Travel agents will help you to organize your trip providing you with personalized attention and choosing the best time schedule to arrive in Calafate.
Communications in Calafate Patagonia Argentina:
In El Calafate, there is a public telephone service with two service providers that offer booths with DDN, DDI, FAX and Internet. As for the phones they work with existing tender currencies in Argentina. It is important to note that cellular phone services and Internet access are available at the moment, only in El Calafate. The dialing code for El Calafate is 02 902 (from abroad 54 2902) and El Chalten 02 962 (from abroad 54 2962).
Medical assistance in El Calafate Patagonia Argentina:
El Calafate has got a public hospital with qualified services of Pediatrics, Medical Clinic, Gynecology and Obstetrics, Orthopedics, Cardiology, General Surgery, Anaesthesiology, General Medicine, as well as ambulances and access to air travel. They also have got several private clinics El Calafate specialized. In El Chalten there is a health post with basic services.