Foz do Iguazu Information:

Tours to Foz do Iguazu
Foz de Iguazu updated its historic alliance with the Argentine market with a breakfast and workshop presented at the developments in services and infrastructure. It also highlighted the restored image of the destination and the expansion in the activities for visitors.
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With breakfast and a workshop aimed at travel agencies and the local press, Foz de Iguazu renewed his ties with Argentina, one of its main markets, Aug. 11 at the Marriott Plaza.
The day began at 9 with a breakfast at which highlighted the attributes of the destination, during which the representative of the Tourism Sector of the Embassy of Brazil in Argentina Hector Pesci, Secretary of Tourism Foz de Iguazu Felipe Gonzalez and Deputy Iguassu Convention & Visitors Bureau (ICVB), Enio Eidt.
Afterwards, attendees were invited to spend an adjoining room, where the destination and hotel operators deployed their bid for the interest of their Argentine counterparts.
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Eidt Both Pesci and thanked the Brazilian businessmen and local travel agents present, while stressing the “Argentina is the largest partner in Latin America Foz.” “Today we have more to offer quality and competitive price,” said Vice President ICVB adding that “the middle class in the region will be to underpin the growth of destinations, as it is in full economic development.”
Meanwhile, Gonzalez stressed that Foz “has been completely renovated. We have top hotels, more infrastructure and more efficient logistics, “he said.
Foz do Iguazu is visited by 1.2 million tourists each year. For its strategic location, is highly accessible both by air (it’s near three international airports) and by land. Reach the destination seven airlines with 27 daily flights connect the city with major cities in South America.
Located southwest of the state of Parana, Foz, with 250 thousand inhabitants, is the 2nd most visited destination in Brazil by foreigners. It is also an interesting place for development of congresses and conventions, according to the ICCA is the 5th largest city in the reception of international events.
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Its main tourism asset as are the Iguazu Falls.
Iguazu National Park, 185 thousand ha., Also offers tours of the runways of waterfalls, scenic bus transportation, restaurants, visitor center, 1.2 km. of trails and an elevator to the observatory’s main park.
Also among the tours are provided at the site highlights the arborist, abseiling and rafting, safari Macuco, Petro trails del Pozo and Banana and helicopter overflights.
Another sector is the high demand Bird Park, which holds 900 birds of 150 species.
In addition to this classic attraction, the destination is presented as a major center for shopping and nightlife, entertainment and leisure.
Another of the most exploited is the Itaipu complex, which not only offers panoramic views and special tours for the biggest hydroelectric dam in the world, but also tours of
the eco-museum, the refuge biological and astronomical pole, as well as fishing and water sports Lake Itaipu.
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