Category Archives: Argentina Tours

Amazing places in the Andes Mountains, Mendoza

Valle de Las Leñas has sites of great natural attraction to be surrounded by much higher peaks over 4000 meters, in this valley has its aspects Malargüe the Salt River tributary river Atuel arm and another in the closed basin … Continue reading

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Viewpoints of Buenos Aires

Buenos Aires is a city flat in the middle of an endless plain with just a coastal canyon as one drop. However, it is also a city of buildings from where all the tours in Buenos Aires start to the … Continue reading

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Buenos Aires recovers an emblematic monument

The Floralis Generica opens and closes with sunlight The Generic Floralis is one of the main tourist attractions in Buenos Aires and it is more than 20 meters, it weighs 24 tons and opens and closes with sunlight. A sudestada wind … Continue reading

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