Kosher food in Buenos Aires. Where to find it:

Kosher food in Buenos Aires
The program focuses on actions to strengthen the current supply of kosher products and services in the City creating a synergy with tourism providers in order to improve the quality and variety of service for this segment.
The 2012 program “Buenos Aires Friendly Kosher” was presented on Wednesday November 2 at the Hotel Pan by Rabbi Daniel Oppenheimer, the Minister of Culture and President of Ente Turismo de la Ciudad, Hernan Lombardi, Adriana Klein on behalf of Hotel Supply Club members Kosher product and the President of the Tourist Hotels Association AHT, Paul Goldzier.
The “Buenos Aires Kosher Friendly” focuses on actions to strengthen the current supply of kosher products and services in the City creating a synergy with tourism providers in order to improve the quality and variety of service for this segment, and largely captive market with high purchasing power and large families.
In recent years, California has concentrated growth of kosher products. The local market for kosher food and drink around 25 million dollars a year and serving not only local demand but foreign.The importance of local community creates strong links with overseas communities generating a flood of visitors to our capital kosher.
“Buenos Aires is developed to become the Capital Kosher Latin America since the City has a high potential in terms of the demands of this segment so specific. The club already has kosher major hotels that are trained to welcome tourists to this requirement, “said President of Ente Tourism and Culture Minister Hernán Lombardi.
On the other hand, Hernán Lombardi announced that the City will be presented next year in the cities of Mexico City, New York, Los Angeles, Miami, San Pablo, Madrid, Paris and Jerusalem.
“Buenos Aires Friendly Kosher” has been working since April 2011 with various industry players kosher. They formed a “club kosher” which brings together companies, restaurants, hotels and institutions working to develop a proposal to offer an integrated service that meets the needs of this particular consumer.
As part of the “Buenos Aires Kosher Friendly” and trainings were conducted at participating hotels of the “Kosher Club” carried out by the City Tourism Entity. The sessions were implemented in 5 hotels (Hotel Sheraton Libertador Hotel Pan American Hotel Intercontinental, Hotel Regent, Hotel Savoy) with an audience of over 280 participants.
In the presentation at the Pan American hotel new guide was distributed institutional-oriented information to respond to specific consumer needs of tourists visiting the City kosher. It contains details of temples, synagogues, bookshops, restaurants, kosher, kosher cafes, and tours of interest to the segment.