01Argentina Travel Agency Corporate video

The main attractions of Argentina are the following ones: Iguazu Falls, Peninsula Valdes, Glacier National Park, City of Buenos Aires, Bariloche, Ibera Marshes, and Ushuaia.
Argentina is located at the southern tip of South America. It is the eighth country in the world in terms of area after Russia, Canada, China, USA, Brazil, Australia and India. Its land area of 2,791,810 km2 equivalent to 33% of the surface of Europa. Its north and south ends are separated by 3460 km, distance comparable to that between the northern tip of Europe (the North Cape in Norway) and Sicily in Italy.
His name has its origin in the Latin “argentum”, which means silver. The Spanish conquerors called this region of the world in this way because they believed that here were large amounts of this mineral.

Argentina borders Chile to the West, on the north by Bolivia and Paraguay, east of Uruguay, Brazil and the Atlantic Ocean, while to the south is the Beagle Channel which marks its limits.
The country’s mainland has a great development in the sense of latitude, from 21 ¤ 46 ‘S to 55 ¤ 58’ S. This makes this territory marked by great contrasts in what climate and landscape. Our Travel agency offers the best tour to explore this giant country, we invite you to see our Corporate video to get more information about our services.

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